Thursday, July 03, 2008

Local Yokels

Sad news...for Vancouver newspaper fans, at least. Frances Bula, formerly of the Sun, has moved on to other things in her life. Don't ask me what, for I do not know. But I'm sure going to miss her blog, City States. During my last five years in Regina, I was borderline obsessed with municipal politics, and City States helped get me up to speed in the who's who and why should I care of Vancouver. Bula's blog complemented her reporting perfecting. The news was news, straightforward and informative. The blog offered insight, background and depth. Blogs are a pretty new feature of the CanWest newspaper line, and most of them aren't worth the paper they're not printed on. But Bula's City States was pretty ace. Hopefully her successor will be up to the standard.

In happier Vancouver news, local cowboy singer Cameron Latimer is finally putting out his debut album, Fallen Apart on Black Hen Records. It's been a long time coming!

mp3: "Empty Saddle" by Cameron Latimer

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